espanolSe preparo una zeolita con estructura MFI a la cual se le incorporo cobalto por el metodo de impregnacion. Se realizaron post-tratamientos termicos sobre la muestra Co-ZSM-5: oxidacion y reduccion. Se analizaron por XRD, Raman y TPR, a efectos de determinar la naturaleza de las especies activas presentes. Se evaluaron propiedades cataliticas para la reaccion de oxidacion de estireno, logrando mayor conversion para la muestra oxidada, donde se observo la presencia de pequenos clusters de Co3O4 extra-red y Co interactuando fuertemente con la matriz. Se estudio el comportamiento magnetico de las muestras variando la magnetizacion M en funcion de la temperatura T y de M en funcion del campo aplicado, a distintas T. Se observo que el comportamiento de la muestra oxidada es puramente superparamagnetico, mientras que en la muestra reducida aparecen varios tipos de clusters que se evidencian en distintos picos que aparecen en la correspondiente curva M(T). EnglishA zeolite with MFI structure was prepared and cobalt was incorporated using the wet impregnation method. Thermal post-treatments were done to Co-ZSM-5: oxidation and reduction. Both samples were evaluated by XRD, Raman Spectroscopy and TPR techniques in order to determine the nature of the active species present. Catalytic activity of the materials was evaluated for styrene oxidation. The oxidized sample showed the highest conversion values, where small clusters of extra-framework Co3O4 species and cobalt strongly interacting with the framework were found on it. The magnetic behavior of the samples was evaluated by magnetization M variation with temperature T and M with applied magnetic field at different T�s. Superparamagnetic behavior was observed for oxidized sample, while different kinds of clusters were found for the reduced one as showed by the appearance of different peaks on the M(T) curve.
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