Flow past a Yawed Rectangular Cavity in Transonic and Low Supersonic Flows

The effect of yaw on the steady and unsteady pressure measurements along the floor and walls of a rectangular cavity with a length-to-depth ratio of 5 was investigated. Statistical analyses were carried out on the pressure outputs to determine modal frequencies, amplitudes, and phase relationships. Rossiter's empirical formula was found to give good estimates of the frequencies of the acoustic tones for moderate yaw angles up to 20 deg, which was the highest value tested. The dominant acoustic mode was a function ofthe yaw angle, and it switched over to a higher mode when the yaw angle exceeded a critical value. At M = 0.84 and M = 1.11, the aft wall pressure distributions and acoustic mode amplitudes showed a very different behavior with changes in yaw angle for transonic and supersonic Mach numbers.
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