Mutational processes contributing to the development of multiple myeloma

To gain insight into multiple myeloma (MM) tumorigenesis, we analyzed the mutational signatures in 874 whole-exome and 850 whole-genome data from the CoMMpass Study. We identified that coding and non-coding regions are differentially dominated by distinct single-nucleotide variant (SNV) mutational signatures, as well as five de novo structural rearrangement signatures. Mutational signatures reflective of different principle mutational processes—aging, defective DNA repair, and apolipoprotein B editing complex (APOBEC)/activation-induced deaminase activity—characterize MM. These mutational signatures show evidence of subgroup specificity—APOBEC-attributed signatures associated with MAF translocation t(14;16) and t(14;20) MM; potentially DNA repair deficiency with t(11;14) and t(4;14); and aging with hyperdiploidy. Mutational signatures beyond that associated with APOBEC are independent of established prognostic markers and appear to have relevance to predicting high-risk MM.
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