Formação sem fôrma: a singularidade do processo de ser professor da Educação Infantil

Research on teacher education has gained special relevance nowadays. The biennium of 2016 and 2017 brought intense social mobilizations around the project of society that we want and its democratic model that today is suffering a severe setback. These are movements that necessarily impact the educational field. To think, therefore, the teacher training, inevitably implies taking into account the forces and pressures that this field is facing and in which, it seems, will continue to suffer. In this sense, it is worth reaffirming with our research and actions which teacher we intend to train. Different from the standardized perspectives that aim to create unique models of action, such as the booklet learnship culture, we intend to discuss conceptions of teacher education that consider the subjects as authors of their formative processes, highlighting the constitutive power of Aesthetic Education and studies focused on narrative and / or life-history and (auto) biographical research.
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