On the accretion geometry of Cyg X-1 in the low/hard state

We fit the broad-band RXTE PCA and HEXTE spectrum from 3--200 keV with reflection models which calculate the vertical ionization structure of an X-ray illuminated disc. We consider two geometries corresponding to a truncated disc/inner hot flow and magnetic flares above an untruncated disc. Both models are able to fit the PCA 3--20 keV data, but with very different spectral components. In the magnetic flare models the 3--20 keV PCA spectrum contains a large amount of highly ionized reflection while in the truncated disc models the amount of reflection is rather small. The Compton downscattering rollover in reflected emission means that the magnetic flare models predict a break in the spectrum at the high energies covered by the HEXTE bandpass which is not seen. By contrast the weakly illuminated truncated disc models can easily fit the 3--200 keV spectra.
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