Effects of Menopause on Quality of Life Among Working Women in Kathmandu Valley

Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation. Every body’s menopause is unique, just as every woman’s body is unique, individual menopause experience will be highly personal one. It’s a natural event that marks the end of fertility and childbearing years. The quality of life during the menopause is a complex interaction of several different kinds of variable, which is assessed not only by the frequency and severity effects of menopause but also on quality of life, like wise vasomotor effects, psycho-social effects, Physical effects and sexual effects among working women in Kathmandu valley. So far, few studies have been carried out on menopause-specific quality of life in Kathmandu valley. The present study aims to identify effects of menopause on quality of life among working women in Kathmandu valley, by Ms. Rina Shrestha as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for publish in International Journal of Scientific and research publication (IJSRP).
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