Relationships of the Buddlejaceae s. 1. Investigated using Parsimony Jackknife and Branch Support Analysis of Chloroplast ndhF and rbcL Sequence Data

The systematic positions of genera previously assigned to the Buddlejaceae are investigated using Bremer support and parsimony jackknife analyses of cpDNA ndhF and rbcL sequence data. The dif- ferences between these two methods are discussed: resampling methods such as the jackknife help identify and assess confidence in qualitatively supported groups, whereas Bremer support provides an absolute, quantitative measure of that support. The close relationship of Buddlejaceae s. str. (comprising Buddleja, Nicodemia, Emorya, and Gomphostigma) to Scrophulariaceae s. str. is confirmed. Previous suggestions that Des- fontainia and Plocosperma are not related to the Scrophulariales sensu Thome are corroborated, as are the close relationships of Sanango to Gesneriaceae and of Retzia to Stilbaceae. Previously unsuggested monophy- letic groups revealed include Androya and Myoporum, together appearing as sister group to the Scrophulari- aceae/Buddlejaceae clade, Nuxia and the Stilbaceae clade, Peltanthera and the Sanango/Gesneriaceae clade, and Polypremum and Tetrachondra. The latter genus is not part of Scrophulariales sensu Thorne, which oth- erwise is well supported. Oleaceae is resolved as sister group to the rest of the clade. Within the order a gesneriad clade, a stilbacean clade, two 'scroph' clades, Acanthaceae, Bignoniaceae, Lamiaceae, and Verben- aceae occur as distinct lineages. The relationships among these are poorly resolved and the position of Lindenbergia is uncertain.
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