Commodity Consistent Meta-Analysis of Wetland Values: An Illustration for Coastal Marsh Habitat

Prior meta-regression models (MRMs) of wetland values pool value estimates associated with diverse commodity types—for example recreation, flood control, nutrient cycling, habitat provision, nonuse value, and carbon sequestration. Neither theory nor economic intuition justify the inclusion of such dissimilar commodities within a single meta-analytic value function, leading to validity concerns. This article seeks to advance methods for commodity and welfare consistent MRMs, applied to a particular category of wetland values. We develop a wetland value MRM restricted to a specific wetland type (coastal marshes), general location (US and Canada), commodity type (habitat provision and services), and valuation approach (stated preference methods). Results indicate that willingness to pay per household for marsh habitat changes is responsive to scope, spatial scale, market extent, the type of habitat change, household characteristics, and other factors suggested by theory and intuition. Results supersede those of prior wetland value MRMs in terms of statistical performance, estimation of anticipated value surface patterns, and capacity to support conceptually valid benefit transfers. Comparison with an otherwise identical but less commodity consistent MRM demonstrates that commodity consistency leads to improved statistical and benefit transfer performance.
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