PDA self-register system for eating disorders: a study on acceptability and satisfaction.

: Self-monitoring techniques, such as the use of dietary registers, are considered to be central to cognitive-behavioral treatment of Eating Disorders (ED). This information allows the clinician to identify the triggers of the behaviors associated to ED as purges and/or binges, and the associated thoughts and emotions, helping to carry out a more accurate assessment. Traditionally these registers are made with paper and pencil mode, where the patient has to register every eating and the emotions/thoughts associated; but this system has some problems, as low portability, low adherence or methodological difficulties. The use of PDA for self-registers can help to solve these problems. The aim of this study is to study the levels of acceptability and satisfaction with PDAs self-register system specifically designed for assessment and treatment of ED. Samples of 30 subjects diagnosed with ED are receiving a PDA with software specifically designed for recording type and amount of food, emotions before and after eating and other behaviors. The participants are completing self-register daily during a week, and afterwards answer an acceptance and satisfaction questionnaire. This work is in progress at the moment. It is expected that the PDA system will show high levels of acceptance and satisfaction.
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