Study of Superconducting Transition in a Mo/Cu Thin Film Structure and Estimation of Sensitivity of SUBMM Waveband Region TES Bolometers on the Basis of such a Structure

Transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers are using now in more than ten projects of imaging radiometers for ground based and balloon SUBMM telescopes. In this work the temperature dependences of the resistance of bi-layer Mo/Cu structures destined for TES bolometers were measured in the range of 0.05–1.0 K. Using these dependences and the electron energy balance equation the current–voltage and power–voltage characteristics of bolometers on the basis of such structures for the case of a fixed d.c. bias voltage are calculated. The expression for the current increment produced by such a bolometer in response to absorbed radiation power is derived. The noise equivalent power of a realizable bolometers is calculated from the current response in the case when detected signals are amplified by a highly sensitive SQUID. Keywords—Radio astronomy, millimeterand submillimeter-wave detectors, superconducting devices, superconducting radiation detectors, transition edge sensor bolometers.
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