Synthesis and characterization of a new cobalt(II) complex with 2-(2-pyridyl)imino-N-(2-thiazolin-2-yl)thiazolidine (PyTT).

The compound aquanitrate-кObis[2-(2-pyridy)-imin-кN-N-(2-thiazin-кN-2-y)thiazidine]cbat() nitrate has been isolated and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, UV-Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The environment around the cobalt atom may be described as a distorted octahedral geometry with the ligand-metal-ligand bite angles varying between 84.07(8)° and 98.66(8)°.The metallic atom is coordinated to two thiazoline nitrogens [av. Co-N =2.067 A], two imino nitrogens [av. Co-N =2.122 A], one oxygen atom of the nitrate group monodentate [Co-O(1)= 2.249(2) A] and the oxygen atom of the water molecule [Co-O(IW)= 2.105(2) A]. Electronic UV-Vis-NIR spectral data and the calculated magnetic moment are indicative of octahedral Co(ll) complexes. In the same way as other PyTT complexes, the organic moiety preserves the imino-thiazolidine form detected in the structure of PyTT.
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