DEM simulation on the one-dimensional compression behavior of various shaped crushable granular materials

In order to investigate the effects of particle shape on the compression behavior of granular materials, a series of simulations was conducted using a two-dimensional discrete element method employing moment springs. Fracturable granular assemblies were constructed from particles of the same shape and size. The range of possible particle shapes includes disk, ellipse and hexagon, with different aspect ratios. Simulations of single particle crushing tests on elliptical particles showed that crushing could be classified into three types: cleavage destruction, bending fracture and edge abrasion, depending on the manner of compression. A series of simulations of one-dimensional compression tests was then conducted on six types of crushable particle assemblies; the three types of crushing mentioned above were also observed, but their rates of occurrence depended on the particle shape. Cleavage destruction was mainly observed with circular and elliptical particles; bending fracture was observed only with elongated particles; edge abrasion was frequently observed with angular particles. Despite the difference in crushing type, all samples, when subjected to intense compression, converged to a critical grading with unique void ratio, grain size distribution and aspect ratio, with a similar distribution of number of contact points.
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