Theselectedtheoreticalandpracticalviewpoints tomanagingculturaldiversityintheinternational business Vybrané teoretické a praktické hľadiská riadenia kultúrnej diverzity v medzinárodnom podnikaní

The paper is a contribution to the theoretical and applied research in the area of managing cultural diversity from the viewpoint of performing different managerial and marketing tasks. it includes the primary research results conducted during the period from 2007 to 2008 on the set of 200 agri-food companies in Slovakia, Spain, Poland and Austria. This stu - dy helps to understand the concept of the internationalization of business activities of the agri-food companies depending on the diversity of their external environment and market position. The main attention is devoted to the international trade links development with those businesses which for various reasons are considered as potential partners in the long run and include also the external EU trading partners.
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