A case of mucosal leishmaniasis: beneficial usage of polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis

A 36-year-old woman, who had emigrated from Japan to Paraguay as a 4-year-old child before returning to Japan in 1991, visited our clinic on November 10, 1997. She had suffered from a persistent ulcer on her forearm as a 6-year-old child and received intravenous injections for a few months, although she did not remember the details of therapy. Since May 1997, she had been aware of redness and swelling on her nose and had been treated with topical corticosteroid, but no improvement had been noted. Physical examination revealed erythematous plaque with crust from the left internal naris to nasolabial region (Fig. 1a). The atrophic plaque that had resulted from prolonged ulceration was found on the right forearm (Fig. 1b). In a biopsy specimen from the erythematous plaque on the nasolabial region, mononuclear dermal infiltrate, consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes, was seen (Fig. 2a). The histiocytes were filled with Leishman-Donovan (L-D) bodies on a Giemsa staining sample (Fig. 2b). Fiberscopic examination revealed white plaque in the pharynx. The biopsy from the affected mucosa showed the same histopathological finding as with the skin. Figure 1. (a) Erythematous plaque with crust from the left internal naris to nasolabial region. (b) Atrophic plaque on the right forearm Download figure to PowerPoint Figure 2. (a) In the biopsy specimen from the erythematous plaque on the nasolabial region, a mononuclear dermal infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes and histiocytes was seen. (Hematoxylin-Eosin stain, × 100) (b) The histiocytes were filled with Leishman-Donovan bodies. (Giemsa staining, × 400) Download figure to PowerPoint Total DNA was purified from the skin biopsy specimen for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis using a specific primer for L (V) braziliensis.1,2 A 70-bp product was amplified (Fig. 3a); furthermore, the specificity of the PCR product was confirmed by Southern hybridization with the probe for L (V) braziliensis (Fig. 3b) and DNA sequence analysis (data not shown). From December 2, 1997, the patient received 20 mg/kg/day sodium stibogluconate (PentostamTM) intravenously for 20 days. After 5 days of treatment, the redness and swelling of the skin lesion was improved, and faint erythema remained at the end of 20 days' treatment. After a 2-week interval, since the erythema remained, another 20-day treatment was performed. All of the skin lesion became scar tissue and L-D bodies could not be found in a skin biopsy specimen. However, L-D bodies were still found in a biopsy from the pharyngeal mucosa that had a normal appearance. Though another additional treatment was planned, the patient refused it. Figure 3. (a) The results of PCR. 70-bps bands appear in lanes 2 and 6. Lane 1, a size marker (pUC19/HapII); lane 2, DNA extracted from the formalin-fixed patient's sample; lane 3, DNA extracted from a formalin-fixed control sample; lane 4, DNA (–); lane 5, DNA extracted from L (V) tropica; lane 6, DNA extracted from L (V) braziliensis. (b) Results of Southern blotting using the PCR products. The PCR products were transferred from agarose gel as shown in Fig. 3 (a). Specific probes were hybridized with 70-bps bands on lanes 2 and 6 Download figure to PowerPoint
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