Chloroplast microsatellite analysis reveals the presence of population subdivision in Norway spruce (Picea abies K.).

Three chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs), previously sequence characterized and for which paternal inheritance was tested and confirmed, were used to assess their usefulness as informative markers for phylogeographic studies in Norway spruce (Picea abies K.) and to detect spatial genetic differentiation related to the possible recolonization processes in the postglacial period. Ninety-seven populations were included in the survey. Some 8, 7, and 6 different size variants for the three cpSSRs, respectively, were scored by analysing 1105 individuals. The above 21 variants combined into 41 different haplotypes. The distribution of some haplotypes showed a clear geographic structure and seems to be related to the existence of different refugia during the last glacial period. The analysis of chloroplast SSR variation detected the presence of two main gene pools (Sarmathic-Baltic and Alpine - Centre European) and a relatively low degree of differentiation (RST of about 10%), characteristic of tree species wit...
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