Using Adult Groups of Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers for Translocations and Population Augmentation

ABSTRACT The red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis; hereafter RCW) was listed as federally endangered in 1973 after a population decline due primarily to habitat loss. Habitat fragmentation produces isolated populations of RCWs and managers often translocate subadult birds to augment existing populations. Although several studies have examined success of translocating subadults, detailed studies examining translocations of adults have been limited. We evaluated the feasibility and success of using adult RCWs for translocation and augmentation of existing populations in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, 2006–2009. We translocated 41 primarily adult RCWs, consisting of 12 potential breeding groups (PBGs) and 5 single bird groups to suitable habitat at the Morehouse Parish Conservation Area (MPCA). Fifty-nine percent of translocated RCWs remained on the MPCA and 45% became breeders. Thirty-four percent of translocated RCWs were breeding after being on the MPCA for 2 breeding seasons, suggesting that transloc...
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