AB0746 Patient's Version of the Recommendations of the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR) for Support in Current Practice of Patients with Spondyloarthritis

Background The management of spondyloarthritis is difficult and has evolved in response concepts and new treatments. the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR) has recently issued new recommendations for the routine management of this pathology. There are no recent simplified texts incorporating the recommendations for patients. Objectives Rewriting the recommendations in language understandable to the general population for the management practice of patients with spondyloarthritis (including psoriatic arthritis) rewriting based on the text of the recommendations of the SFR published in 2014. Methods A working group consisting of 7 patients from national associations of patients with spondyloarthritis (AFLAR and AFS), and two rheumatologists and a reading group of 177 patients from patient9s associations (AFS, AFLAR, ACSAS Center & Normandy) were formed. The working group has rewritten “in patient language” the recommendations. The text was reviewed by the group play “patient” electronically on the Internet and graded according to their level of understanding and acceptance of the text on a scale of 0 to 10. Results After recalling the general principles and nosology of spondyloarthritis, it is proposed 29 recommendations (RC). The level of understanding is excellent for 27 of the 29 RC less on treatment goals (RC2) and DMARDs treatment (RC21). The level of agreement is also excellent for 23RC. 5RC related to treatments (instead of cortisone, DMARDS and Surgery: 19,20,21,22,28RC) and 1 (related to a problem of coordination in the management of patients) have a profile lesser agreement. Conclusions Creation for 1st Time in France in Rheumatology recommendations for patients with proofreading patient care from a chronic inflammatory disease. These updated recommendations and delivered in understandable language provide patients and the public an overview of the guide the management of spondyloarthritis in current practice in France. Efforts on coordination and patient education related to treatment are important to do.A document will be distributed by all patient groups and the SFR. References Wendling et col. Recommendations of the French Society for Rheumatology (SFR) on the everyday management of patients with spondyloarthritis Recommendations of the French Society for Rheumatology (SFR) on the everyday management of patients with Spondyloarthritis Joint Bone Spine, Volume 81, Issue 1, January 2014. Acknowledgements Rita Diebold (AFS), Asma Froukhi (AF)S, Fabrice Laloyaux (AFS), Ghislaine Schmid (AFS), Jean-Christophe Gauvrit, (AFS), Jean-Paul Servoz, (AFS), Jacqueline Bleinhant (AFS), Elisabeth Chassaint (AFS), Maurice Faugere (AFS), lysianne Dardennnes (AFLAR), Sabine Zaoui (AFLAR, Laurence Carton (AFLAR), Jean Noel Dachicourt (AFLAR), AFS, ACSAC centre, ACSAC normandie and the internet users with spondyloarthritis. Disclosure of Interest None declared
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