Maintenance of quality of Dalbergia nigra Vell. all. ex. Benth seeds during storage by sodium nitroprusside

Nitric oxide (NO) is a compound that participates in vegetable physiologic processes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO donor, on the physiologic and biochemical responses of Dalbergia nigra (bahia rosewood) seeds under storage in different environmental conditions. Seeds recently collected were stored in cold chamber (5 oC and 60% relative humidity, RH) or in two desiccators at 20 oC: 55 and 93% RH for four months. Every month of storage seed samples were taken and imbibed in SNP solution at 10-4M concentration for 48 hours or in water. The germination percentage, electric conductivity, lipid peroxidation and catalase enzyme activity were evaluated. Seeds of bahia rosewood stored in cold chamber at 55% RH maintained physiologic quality, while seeds imbibed in SNP reduced the membrane permeability, decreasing lipid peroxidation and increasing catalase activity. Seeds kept under 93% RH deteriorated quickly, and SNP was not efficient in revert the seed degradation. It was concluded that nitric oxide maintain the quality of seeds stored in cold chamber and at 20 oC and 55% RH, by maintaining membrane integrity and stimulating catalase activity.
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