Spin-transfer effects in MgO-based tunnel junctions with an out-of-plane free layer and an in-plane polarizer: Static states and steady-state precession

Spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) are novel devices which may be exploited for wireless communication applications [1-3]. In particular, it has recently been demonstrated that STNOs utilizing an in-plane (IP) magnetized polarizer (also acting as read-out layer) and out-of-plane (OOP) magnetized free layer allow for the full parallel (P)-to-antiparallel (AP) resistance variation to be exploited in the limit of 90° precession angle, thereby maximizing the output power [1]. However, for this specific geometry, steady-state precession can only be sustained if the spin-transfer torque exhibits an asymmetric dependence on the angle between the free and the polarizing layer, such as in the case of fully metallic devices [1]. Nevertheless, it has recently been reported that dynamics have been experimentally observed in similarly designed MgO-based MTJs under constant applied electrical current, in spite of the fact that such devices do not exhibit any asymmetry in the spin-torque angular dependence [4,5]. These results have so far been interpreted based on the formalism for metallic devices, including the spin-torque angular dependence.
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