On the Conditional Distribution of a Multivariate Normal given a Transformation - the Linear Case.

We show that the orthogonal projection operator onto the range of the adjoint of a linear operator $T$ can be represented as $UT,$ where $U$ is an invertible linear operator. Using this representation we obtain a decomposition of a Normal random vector $Y$ as the sum of a linear transformation of $Y$ that is independent of $TY$ and an affine transformation of $TY$. We then use this decomposition to prove that the conditional distribution of a Normal random vector $Y$ given a linear transformation $\mathcal{T}Y$ is again a multivariate Normal distribution. This result is equivalent to the well-known result that given a $k$-dimensional component of a $n$-dimensional Normal random vector, where $kmultivariate Normal distribution, and sets the stage for approximating the conditional distribution of $Y$ given $g\left(Y\right)$, where $g$ is a continuously differentiable vector field.
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