L'île Crémieu (Jura, France), un plateau calcaire épargné par la tectonique ?

The ‘Ile Cremieu’ (Jura, France), a limestone plateau spared from tectonics? The ‘Ile Cremieu’, a plateau of Jurassic limestones located in the southern border of the Bresse and at the Jura front, is generally considered as non-deformed. Quaternary ice sheets and drainage have underlined and cleaned out some fracture planes trending NNE and NW–SE that border and crosscut the ‘Ile Cremieu’. The analysis of seismic profiles reveals NNE-trending normal faults and NW–SE-trending strikeslip faults, crosscutting the basement to Late Miocene layers. Microtectonic fieldwork shows that these faults exist and were activated during the main Cainozoic tectonic events. To cite this article: M. Rocher et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  2004 Academie des sciences. Publie par Elsevier SAS. Tous droits reserves.
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