Next steps for excellence in the quality of e-learning

The development of e-learning has progressed to a stage where it is becoming part of mainstream provision in higher education. Therefore the issue of assessing and sustaining the quality of e-learning must now come to the fore. Quality assessment in higher education is well-established in relation to learning and teaching generally, but what methods can be used to establish quality in the domain of e-learning? The E-xcellence methodology for assessing quality in e-learning (EADTU 2009) is securing recognition by European and international learning organisations. It was designed to be applied to the design and delivery of e-learning in both distance learning and blended learning contexts. It supports a range of uses, from accreditation by external agencies to process improvement through internal review. The methodology presents principles of good practice in six domains of e-learning: strategic management; curriculum design; course design; course delivery; student support; and staff support. A total of 33 benchmark statements cover these domains, and are supported by a handbook for practitioners and guidance for assessors. The handbook includes principles for quality e-learning and exemplars of good practice. Amongst the tools is an online ‘QuickScan’ self-evaluation questionnaire based on the E-xcellence benchmarks which is highly valued as a focus for collaborative review of e-learning programmes. The e-learning landscape has changed since the E-xcellence methodology was first developed. In particular, the use of Open Education Resources (OECD 2007) and the application of social networking tools (Mason & Rennie 2008) were not explicitly considered in the original benchmarks. Accordingly, the E-xcellence NEXT project was instigated to produce and evaluate a revision of the benchmark criteria, associated handbook and exemplars. This paper describes the project process and initial recommendations. A consultation exercise was carried out among E-xcellence participants. Feedback from this was brought to participatory workshops at a European Seminar on QA in e-learning in June 2011. Following this exercise, the benchmark statements were revised and are now available in beta version. The project resources (Quickscan and manual) are being used for a series of self-evaluation and assessment seminars held at European higher education institutions. Feedback from these assessment seminars will be used to finalise materials for publication late in 2012. At that point the E-xcellence Next project will offer to the higher education community a set of self-evaluation and quality assessment tools which are fully updated to encompass social networking, Open Educational Resources and other recent developments in e-learning. References EADTU (2009) E-xcellence Quality Assurance in e-Learning [ default.asp?mMid=1; accessed 20 Feb 2012] OECD (2007) Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources. doi:10.1787/9789264032125-en Mason, R & Rennie, F (2008) E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook: Resources for Higher Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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