Antiperoxidation activity of triterpenoids from rhizome of Anemone raddeana

Abstract Four triterpenoid compounds hederacolchiside E (1), hederasaponin B (2), raddeanoside 20 (3) and raddeanoside 21 (4) were isolated from ethanol extracts of rhizome of Anemone raddeana Regel . The effects of these triterpenoids on superoxide generation, tyrosyl phosphorylation of proteins and translocation of cytosolic compounds, such as p47 phox , p67 phox and Rac to the cell membrane in human neutrophils was investigated. The superoxide generation induced by N -formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) was slightly suppressed by hederasaponin B, raddeanoside 20 and raddeanoside 21 in a concentration dependent manner. The superoxide generation induced by arachidonic acid (AA) was suppressed by hederasaponin B and raddeanoside 21 significantly. fMLP- and AA-induced tyrosyl phosphorylation and translocation of the cytosolic proteins: p47 phox , p67 phox , and Rac to the cell membrane were suppressed in parallel with the suppression of stimulus-induced superoxide generation.
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