Amac: Literaturde tip 1 diyabetin erken doneminde verilen beslenme ve agiz hijyeni egitiminin sonuclarini degerlendiren calisma bulunmamaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci Tip 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) teshisi konulan cocuklarda beslenme ve agiz hijyeni aliskanliklarini incelemek, ayni yas grubu sistemik saglikli kontrollerle karsilastirmak ve bulgulari diyabetin kontrolunun 3. ayinda tekrar degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiza 10-16 yas arasi 60 birey dâhil edildi. Yas, boy, kilo ve vucut kutle indeksi acisindan benzer olan calisma gruplarimizi; sistemik olarak saglikli bireyler (S),  yeni T1DM teshisi konulan hastalar (DY) ve T1DM’li hastalarin 3. ay kontrolleri (DK) olusturdu. Bireylerin periodontal muayenelerinde OHI-S (Oral Hijyen Indeksi) ve SKI (Sulkus Kanama Indeksi) belirlendi. Calismaya katilan bireylerin ebeveynleri ile beslenme ve agiz hijyeni anketi yapildi. Bulgular: DY grubunda OHI-S degerleri, DK grubuna gore daha yuksekti (p = 0.005). DY grubunda SKI degerleri, S ile DK gruplarindan daha fazla bulundu (Sirasiyla; p = 0.002 ve p = 0.015). Ogun atlamayan bireylerin yuzdesi DK grubunda en yuksekti (%90). DY grubunda; genellikle tatli tuketen bireylerin yuzdesi (%66.7) ve genellikle icecek tuketen bireylerin yuzdesi (%76.7) en yuksekti. S grubunda genellikle atistirmalik tuketen bireylerin yuzdesi en dusuktu (%26.7). Genellikle dislerini fircalayan ve duzenli gargara yapan bireylerin yuzdeleri DY grubuna gore (Sirasiyla; %30, %10), DK grubunda (Sirasiyla; %76.7, %46.7) yukseldigi izlendi. DY grubunda fircalama esnasinda genellikle diseti kanamasi olan bireylerin yuzdesi (%53.3), S (%26.7) ve DK (%23.3) gruplarina gore daha fazla bulundu. Sonuclar: Agiz hijyenini de etkileyebilen beslenme aliskanliklari, kontrolsuz T1DM’li cocuklarda bozuldugu izlendi. Dolayisi ile diyabetik bireylere verilen agiz hijyeni ve beslenme egitimi; hem diyabetin kontrolu, hem de periodontal sagligin idamesi icin onemlidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tip 1 Diabetes Mellitus; agiz hijyeni; beslenme aliskanliklari Evaluation of Oral Hygiene and Nutritional Education of Children with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus ABSTRACT Objectives: There is no study in the literature evaluating the results of oral hygiene and nutritional education in the early stages of type 1 diabetes. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral hygiene and nutritional education in children diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), and reevaluate the children diagnosed with T1DM after 3 months, and compare them with those of systemically healthy controls. Materials and Methods: The present study was consisted of 60 individuals aged between 10-16 years. Systemically healthy individuals (S), patients with newly diagnosed T1DM (DY), and their control after 3 months (DK), formed the study groups which were similar with regards to age, height, weight, and body mass index. The periodontal examination was consisted of OHI-S (Oral Hygiene Index) and SBI (Sulcus Bleeding Index). Oral hygiene and nutritional questionnaire was conducted with the parents. Results: OHI-S values were higher in group DY, compared to group DK (p = 0.005). SBI values in group DY were higher compared to group S and group DK (p = 0.002 and p = 0.015, respectively). No meal skipping percentage in group DK was the highest (90%). The percentages of usually sweet (66.7%) and drink consumption (76.7%) were the highest in the group DY. The percentage of usually snack consumption was the lowest in group S (26.7%). The percentages of usually tooth brushing and gargling increased in group DK (76.7% and 46.7%, respectively), compared to group DY (30% and 10%, respectively). The percentage of bleeding on brushing in group DY (53.3%) was higher compared to group S (26.7%) and group DK (23.3%). Conclusions: Dietary habits, which can effect oral hygiene, is disrupted in children with uncontrolled T1DM. Oral hygiene and nutritional education of individuals with diabetes is important for both control of diabetes and maintenance of periodontal health. Key Words: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; oral hygiene; dietary habits
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