Investigation of hydrogen diffusivity in Zr-2.5%Nb alloy pressure tube material using Metallography and Neutron Radiography

Abstract Zr-2.5%Nb alloy is used as pressure tube material in Indian pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR). Hydrogen diffusion studies have been carried out in this alloy in the temperature range 523 K-723 K. Samples were prepared by electrolytic hydrogen charging at one end and then subsequent annealing at said temperatures to form a concentration gradient. Neutron radiography and for the first time, metallography techniques have been used for hydrogen content profiling. Calibration studies for hydrogen in Zr-2.5%Nb alloy have also been carried out at Dhruva imaging beamline to determine the absolute hydrogen content from neutron transmission values. The hydride area fraction has been used as the measure of hydrogen content in metallography studies. The absolute hydrogen content for radiography and hydride area fraction for metallography; vs distance data were fitted with error function to obtain diffusivities at various temperatures. The diffusivity data were further processed to obtain the temperature-dependent diffusion coefficients for both techniques in the temperature range of 523 K-723 K. The results obtained from both techniques are consistent, establishing the fact that a simple lab-based technique like metallography can also be used for diffusion studies.
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