Evaluation of ground water quality using multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling

A methodology for characterizing ground water quality of watersheds using hydrochemical data that mingle multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling is presented. The aim of this work is to analyze hydrochemical data in order to explore the compositional of phreatic aquifer groundwater samples and the origin of water mineralization, using mathematical method and modeling, in Maknassy Basin, central Tunisia). Principal component analysis is used to determine the sources of variation between parameters. These components show that the variations within the dataset are related to variation in sulfuric acid and bicarbonate, sodium and cloride, calcium and magnesium which are derived from water-rock interaction. Thus, an equation is explored for the sampled ground water. Using Amos software, the structural equation modeling allows, to test in simultaneous analysis the entire system of variables (sodium, magnesium, sulfat, bicarbonate, cloride, calcium), in order to determine the extent to which it is consistent with the data. For this purpose, it should investigate simultaneously the interactions between the different components of ground water and their relationship with total dissolved solids. The integrated result provides a method to characterize ground water quality using statistical analyses and modeling of hydrochemical data in Maknassy basin to explain the ground water chemistry origin.
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