Leite instável não-ácido e composição do leite de vacas Jersey sob restrição alimentar

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of feed restriction on unstable nonacid milk occurrence and milk composition of Jersey cows. A pilot trial of feed restriction was conducted with eight lactating Jersey cows. Animals were confined and allocated to two groups which received a balanced diet ad libitum. They received sequentially two treatments, at different periods: 100 and 60% of nutritional requirements. Milk was analyzed for titrated acidity and precipitation at alcohol test 76%; pH, density, cryoscopy, casein, fat, crude protein, lactose, total solids, number of somatic cells and milk production were determined. Feed restriction increases unstable nonacid milk occurrence, reduces milk production and amount of components; however, it does not change the concentration of the milky components.
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