Glacial to Holocene changes in the surface and deep waters of the northeast

abstract Article history:Received 6 September 2011Received in revised form 28 July 2012Accepted 3 October 2012Available online 11 October 2012Communicated by G.J. de LangeKeywords:ForaminiferaNortheast Indian Oceanδ 18 Oδ 13 CHoloceneLast glacial maximum StablecarbonandoxygenisotopicinvestigationsarecarriedoutonplanktonicandbenthicforaminiferafromanAMS-dated sediment core of the northeast Indian Ocean (NEIO) to infer glacial to Holocene changes in surfaceand deep waters. The chronology of this gravity core (SK157-14; water-depth 3306 m; lat. 5°11′N; long.90°05′E) was established using six AMS radiocarbon ages and oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Variations in δ 18 Oand δ 13 C values of planktonic ( Globigerinoides ruber) and benthic foraminifera (Cibicidoides spp.) are suggestiveof large changes in the surface and deep water characteristics during the last ~60 ka. The δ 18 O pl values in coreSK157-14 are significantly higher compared to the sediment cores in the northern Bay of Bengal and theAndaman Sea because of the diminished influence of riverine fresh water fluxes. Large variations in planktonicδ
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