Transcranial ultrasonography as a reliable instrument for the measurement of the cerebral ventricles in rats with experimental hydrocephalus: a pilot study.

PURPOSES Demonstrate that transcranial ultrasonography (TUS) scanning is viable and useful as a diagnostic method in experimental hydrocephalus, as well as to compare measurements of cerebral and ventricular width obtained from TUS scans of hydrocephalic rats with post-mortem anatomical specimens, aiming for the development of accurate criteria to establish ventricular enlargement and progression of hydrocephalus subsequently. METHODS Thirty-five male Wistar rats were used. Following hydrocephalus induction, they underwent a transcranial ultrasound scan to measure cerebral and ventricular dimensions, in the fourth and 21 post-induction days. By the end of the experiments, measurements obtained from TUS scans were compared with actual values as seen in the post-mortem specimens of each animal. RESULTS Ventricular dilation could be clearly visualized in hydrocephalic animals. We performed intraclass correlation coefficient and linear regression analyses that have demonstrated a precise correlation between measurements of TUS scans and post-mortem specimens; we have found a similarity of 0,95 for the cerebral diameter and 0,97 for ventricular width. CONCLUSIONS Transcranial ultrasonography is a useful and reliable diagnostic tool for experimental hydrocephalus; also, it can be used to assess the progression of ventriculomegaly in animal models of hydrocephalus.
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