Cisticercosis cutánea y hepática diseminada en una paciente con infección por HTLV-1

La cisticercosis es endemica en los paises en desarrollo de America Latina. Se  presenta el caso de una mujer de 69 anos, oriunda de Bolivia, de la comunidad  aimara, con cisticercosis cutanea diseminada con compromiso hepatico  y muscular, asintomatica, sin lesiones en el sistema nervioso central. Se arribo  tambien al diagnostico de infeccion concomitante por el virus linfotropico  humano de celulas T de tipo 1 (HTLV-1). Se plantea la participacion de ese  virus como factor condicionante de esta forma clinica inusual, asociacion no  descrita aun en la literatura medica nacional. Palabras clave: cisticercosis diseminada, cisticercosis cutanea, cisticercosis  hepatica, infeccion por HTLV-1. Dermatol. Argent. 2018, 24 (2): 108-110 Cutaneous and liver disseminated cysticercosis in a patient with HTLV-1’s infection Abstract Cysticercosis is endemic in developing countries in Latin America. We present the case of a 69 years old woman, a native Bolivian from the Aimara community. She suffers cutaneous disseminated cysticercosis and also presents asymptomatic liver and muscle involvement, and has no central nervous system lesions. We also reached the concomitant diagnosis of human T-cell type 1 lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) infection. We suggest that her clinical presentation derives from the presence of the virus as a necessary precedent of this unusual clinical case. This association has not been described in the national medical bibliography so far. Key words: disseminated cysticercosis, cutaneous cysticercosis, liver cysticercosis, HTLV-1’s infection. Dermatol. Argent. 2018, 24 (2): 108-110
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