Adaptation Strategies of Transnational Corporations at the Cultural Specificity of the International Business Environment

Regardless the field of activity, transnational companies must respond to the market challenges and also must fit in the new dimensions of world economy, that are marked, on a first side by the deep globalization trend of markets and standardization of business models and on the other side, by the impact of cultural particularities to business environment. The last years have shown how important is for the transnational that their management have a long term vision, taking into account the risks which the companies must respond and the continuing pressures for change. Practicing an efficient management must be an important desideratum of the future multinational companies and business expansion beyond its original country. A basic requirement for success in business is represented by the modality in which the strategies are adapted at the cultural specificity of the international business environment. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the most effective ways of the firms’ adaptation, such that doing business to be carried out in accordance with the specific values of the host countries.
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