Characterization ofInkjet Printed MWCNT inColloidal andConductive Polymer Solution

polymer matrix. Therefore, thepreparation ofnanotube Inthis paper, multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) dispersions, by overcoming theirpoordispersability in inkwasselectively patterned byinkjet printing onsubstrates solvents, isanessential requirement inthepreparation ofinks toformconductive traces andelectrodes forinterconnection usedininkj etprinting. application. MWCNT was firstly functionalized using Inkjet printing isa precise deposition technique that concentrated acidanddispersed indeionized water toforma ejection ofthedroplet fromtheprinthead isthrough creation colloidal solution. Various concentrations ofMWCNT were ofmechanical wavebyacoustic resonance ofthepiezoelectric formulated totest thestability ofthesolution. Theprintability transducer coated ontheglass nozzle. A typical profile isa of theMWCNT inkwas examinedagainst printing trapezoidal formasillustrated inFig. 1. temperature, inkconcentration andinkdroplet pitch. Rheological properties oftheinkweredetermined by Voltage rheometer andsessile dropmethod. Theelectrical conductivity oftheMWCNT pattern wasmeasured against multiple printing ofMWCNT onthesamepattern (upto10layers). Vi Whilesingle layer printing pattern exhibited highest <.N....\ resistance, theCNT entangled together andformed arandom ttd network with moreprinted layers hashigher conductivity. The rTime
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