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The article analyzes the peculiarities of legal regulation of a strike in different countries and the prospects of application of legal liability for parties' wrongful acts during the strike in Ukraine. The author believes that the use of legal liability in resolving labor disputes is connected with some legal characteristics: legal responsibility in the sphere of protection of the right to work must be comprehensively described in specific legal provisions. Legal liability can be provided for by a specific legal act and in some cases by a contract; when necessary it must be enforced by coercion bodies represented by officers who should be entitled to legally influence persons who did wrong and broke a contract or law; it must be a form of realization of a sanction of a legal provision in a certain case and be applied to a certain person; it must occur only when a person acts wrong violating another person's rights; it must entail negative consequences for the perpetrator affecting his private life or his property; it must follow the procedure provided for by specific legislative acts; if necessary it may be connected with imposing additional obligation; it must facilitate law observance and achievement of socially useful results. Imposing legal liability for failure to conform to the substantive of procedural norms of labor law is of a complex nature combining private and public law components. Collective labor agreements are sanctioned by the government. In case of occurrence of administrative liability the sanction is not of compensatory nature, it is punishment, which doesn't give the wronged person additional material benefits, while its imposing compensates the government and the society violation of ruled provided for by the legislation. In case of perpetration the right to reparation of damages should emerge not only for the employer and the employee, but also for the trade union, trade union association, trade union organization, employer organization, employer organization association as it is provided for by labor contract, collective labor agreement or other agreement.
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