Genetic parameters of spontaneous spring ovulatory activity in Mérinos d'Arles sheep

The genetic parameters of spontaneous spring ovulatory activity were investigated in the Merinos d'Arles breed under the usual pastoral and transhumant management conditions of this breed in southeastern France. Ovulatory activity was determined by assaying the plasma progesterone concentration in two blood samples taken 8-10 days apart. The data set consisted of 1 887 ovulatory activity performance measurements in 1995, 1996 and 1997 on 933 ewes, daughters of 176 rams. The effects of the 'physiological status' (hoggets, adult ewes with or without lambing in the previous autumn), age and live weight just before the mating period were found to be highly significant. They were included in the linear animal model and the threshold sire model used to estimate genetic parameters. On average, 27.9 % of ewes exhibited ovulatory activity in April. Age and live weight just before the mating period had a marked positive effect on ovulatory activity. A difference of about 8-9 % was observed between extreme classes for these factors. The heritability and repeatability estimated through the linear model were 0.20 (standard error: 0.04) and 0.30 (0.07), respectively. When using the threshold model, the heritability was 0.37. These values led us to conclude that a genetic approach for improving spontaneous spring ovulatory activity should be further developed. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to determine all the implications of such selection. © Inra/Elsevier,
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