Evidence-based Integrative Medicine Updates

Column Description : DynaMed Plus is an evidence-based clinical reference, which is updated daily through systematic surveillance and critical appraisal of the research literature. DynaMed editors and reviewers select content of interest for integrative medicine, summarize the current evidence, and describe challenges in evidence analysis and application. Evidence quality is rated level 1 (likely reliable) evidence for studies with clinical outcomes and minimal risk of bias, level 2 (mid-level) evidence for studies with clinical outcomes and significant methodological or statistical limitations, and level 3 (lacking direct) evidence for reports that do not include scientific analysis of clinical outcomes. When applicable, the number of patients needed to be treated to lead to one patient having an improved outcome (NNT for number needed to treat) or a worse outcome (NNH for number needed to harm) is presented. DynaMed Plus is available at http://www.dynamed.com/ . For more information, contact Brian S. Alper, MD, MSPH, FAAFP, at DynaMedEditor@ebscohost.com.
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