Gender Equality and the EU – An Assessment of the Current Issues

[Summary]. Equality between women and men is a fundamental principle of democratic societies. However, it is a fact that there still remain inequalities between men and women. Both at EU and at a national level, a wide range of tools and approaches have been developed with the aim of achieving the goal of equality. The more traditional vertical approach to gender issues is now complemented by the gender mainstreaming of public policies and programmes. This pro-active approach requires those involved in policy making to integrate a gender equality perspective into all policies, at all levels and at all stages. In this article we look at legislative developments in the EU with regard to gender equality, and at the implementation of gender mainstreaming that the Community has carried out since the early 1990s. We also elaborate on the elements necessary for the successful gender mainstreaming of public policies and provide examples of best practice at EU and national level.
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