Rumput laut Gracilaria sp merupakan sumber pangan dan memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi sebagai sumber devisa serta usaha padat karya yang mampu menyerap banyak tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan tingkat kelayakan lahan tambak untuk budidaya rumput laut (Gracilaria sp) berdasarkan parameter fisika (Suhu, ,kedalaman dan kecerahan) dan kimia (salinitas, pH, oksigen terlarut, CO2,nitrat dan fosfat). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kawasan tambak yang ada di  Kecamatan Sinjai Utara  Kabupaten Sinjai, sampelnya sebanyak 3 titik/stasiun pengamatan ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan letak dan sumber air tambak. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan pengamatan, pengukuran langsung dilapangan(suhu, salinitas, kedalaman, kecerahan, oksigen terlarut dan pH) dan analisis laboratorium (fosfat, nitrat,) kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode pembobotan. Setelah diperoleh nilai skor dari setiap parameter pada setiap titik pengamatan, kemudian dilakukan penilaian yakni layak (S1) dengan kisaran nilai 68-87, cukup layak (S2) dengan kisaran nilai 48-67, dan tidak layak (N) dengan kisaran nilai 27-47.Hasil diperoleh  bahwa    ketiga   stasiun   masuk kategori cukup layak (S2) dengan nilai stasiun I (63), stasiun II (56) dan stasiun III (63). Dengan demikian kegiatan budidaya rumput laut Gracillaria sp cukup layak untuk dikembangkan di Kecamatan Sinjai Utara.   Seaweed Gracilaria sp is a source of food and having economic value high as a source of foreign exchange and efforts labor-intensive capable of absorbing a lot of labor. Research aims to understand the characteristics and the feasibility land farms to seaweed cultivation (gracilaria sp) based on physical parameters (temperature, deepness and brightness) and chemistry (salinitas , pH, oxygen dissolved,carbon dioxide, nitrate and phosphate). Population in this study of the farms in Sinjai sub district north, sample as many as 3 points/an observation station determined by using the method purposive sampling based on the layout and water sources farms. The data the results of the study obtained with the observation, the measurement of directly field (the temperature of, salinitas, depth, brightness, oxygen dissolved and pH) and an analysis of lab where internal conditions (phosphate, nitrate) then analyzed in order by using the method the weightings of the. After the recent retrieval of the value of a score of every parameter on each the point of observation, then be a assessment of bond issuance will be worthy of (s1) with a range of the value of 68-87, seemed worthy enough to operate ( s2 ) with a range of the value of 48-67 , but it is not suitable ( n ) with a range of the value of 27-47. Result obtained that all three renovation of the gas station is categorized as a seemed worthy enough to operate ( s2 ) with a value of up the first three months of station ( 63 ), renovation of the gas station II ( 56 ) and train stations III (63). As a result of this activities are to be implemented seaweed cultivation gracillaria sp seemed worthy enough to operate to be developed in Sinjai sub district north.
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