Authentication of flying-fish-meal content of processed food using PCR-RFLP

Nucleotide sequence and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the 3′-portion of the mitochondrial 16S RNA gene (rDNA) coding sequence were used to differentiate between flying fishes and other fishes that are frequently used in ago-noyaki production. In this study, we successfully distinguished between flying fishes and the other fishes by combining amplified DNA fragments with universally designed primers and digesting the PCR products with AfaI and MfeI restriction endonucleases. PCR-RFLP of 15 ago-noyaki, 2 noyaki, and 8 other processed flying-fish products were analyzed to authenticate flying-fish content among processed seafood products. After digestion of the PCR products with both enzymes, we found that all ago-noyaki and processed flying fish products contained either two or three DNA fragments of ~200, 300, and 530 bp, and noyaki samples (which do not contain flying fish) contained only one fragment of ~530 bp. Here, we present a new procedure to confirm the content of flying-fish meal in ago-noyaki.
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