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Environment of Trust and Security

This study purports to collaborate with the literature with respect to trust and security and their implications to e-commerce, as well as offers suggestions regarding business success in e-commerce. This project focuses on the e-commerce environment through the Internet. The Internet has boosted the growth of e-commerce, but the uncertainty of the Internet results in two main concerns: trust and security. E-vendors have to achieve customer's comfort, so they have to enhance trusting beliefs and trusting intentions. In addition, an e-vendor must be authentic, provide confidentiality, respect privacy, protect data and not repudiate transactions to demonstrate that the customer is protected. The findings in this research are specific recommendations in building trust and providing data security as well as e-commerce general practices concepts. By implementing e-commerce general practices concepts and addressing customer trust and security issues, e-vendors will achieve business success. The suggested recommendations to build trust and provide security are the use of privacy policies, the latest technologies in security, interaction with customers, building reputation, informing the customer of the e-vendor's safety system, linking to other trustworthy sites, offering guarantees, and third party certificates and privacy seals. As general practices in successful e-businesses, e-vendors should follow established trends: investing in customer service, helping the customer, getting personal, having variety, analysing and using old business rules, and bringing everything together with Customer Relationship Management system.
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