Erectile dysfunction among men attending surgical outpatients Department in a Tertiary Hospital in South-Western Nigeria

Background: Erectile dysfunction is becoming a public health issue with high incidences reported in community studies. Objective: To evaluate the characteristics and outcome of treatment in men with erectile dysfunction in a tertiary center in Ibadan southwestern Nigeria. Methods: Data of men with erectile dysfunction was retrieved between July 2004 and June 2014 and analyzed using SPSS version 16 statistical software. Results: Eighty-nine men with erectile dysfunction were managed which constituted 2% of all urological cases seen during the study period. Their median and mean ages were 39 years and 39.6 ± 1.2SD (range 19-76 years). The peak age incidence at 30-44 years was 41.6% and reduced with increasing age after 65 years to 4.5%. The etiologies were psychogenic in 55%, organic in 27%, idiopathic in 17% and 1% was familial. 67.5%, 31.5% and 3.4% were married, single and separated respectively. Seventy percent neither smoked cigarette nor drank alcohol, 21.3% drank alcohol and 9% took both alcohol and smoked cigarette. Seventy seven and half percent of men presented within 5 years of their symptom. The treatments offered were PDE type 5 inhibitors alone or in combination with psychotherapy or modification of medications. The outcome of these treatments ranged from 89% to 91% success rate. Conclusion: The number of men with erectile dysfunction managed in the tertiary hospital is very low though the outcome of treatment is within acceptable range. Increase public enlightenment may encourage increase hospital patronage and access to the available treatments for erectile dysfunction. Keywords:  Erectile dysfunction, Ibadan, tertiary hospital
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