Endoscopic laser-assisted dacryocistorhinostomy DCR with the placement of a customised silicone and Teflon bicanalicular stent Endoscopic laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).

INTRODUCTION: We present our experience in endoscopic laser assisted dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) analyzing the results obtained with a new technique that involves placing bicanalicolar silicone stent more Teflon tube, in combination with paraseptal silastic sheet. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In our study 49 of 57 patients (85%) at a mean follow up of at least 12 months have not reported epiphora or more episodes of acute dacryocystitis. RESULTS: 49 out of the 57 patients (85%) in our group reported no additional epiphora or episodes of acute dacryocystitis. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic DCR is currently the gold standard for sac and post-sac stenosis given the minimal invasiveness of the procedure and the long-term results that appear comparable to those obtained with extrinsic DCR. The principal problem is cicatricial stenosis that can occlude the stoma over time.
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