In-code coolant boiling detection in VVER reactors by the analysis of neutron flux noise caused by fluctuations of coolant parameters

The paper discusses investigation results of SPND signals for noises caused by fluctuations of coolant parameters. The dependence of neutron flux amplitude oscillations (local power) in SPD locations on the value and frequency of fluctuations of coolant parameters (pressure, flow rate, temperature) is analysed in the paper (Authors) Next corporations organizations: People's Deputy, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Subcommittee on Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine (Ukraine); Ministry for Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (Ukraine); Mintopenergo (Ukraine); Rosenergoatom (RU); Nuclear Safety Department of South-Ukraine NPP (Ukraine); State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine (Ukraine); Energorisk, Ltd. (Ukraine); HmNPP (Ukraine); Khmelnitskaja NPP (Ukraine); Zaporizhzhya NPP, Energodar (Ukraine); Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa (Ukraine); NSC Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov (Ukraine); Subsidiary 'Analytical Research Bureau for Nuclear Safety' (Ukraine); National nuclear power generating company 'Energoatom', Detached subdivision, Chornobyl NPP (Ukraine); JSC 'SNIIP-SYSTEMATOM' (RU); Moscow State Power-Engineering Institute, State University, Moscow (RU); Innovative company SNIIP Atom, LTD (RU); Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest XI, Mueegyetem rkp. 9, 1111 (Hungary); Forschungszentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Institute of Safety Research, P.O.B. 51 01 019, D-01314 Dresden (Germany)
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