К вопросу о жизненных стратегиях пресмыкающихся Камского Предуралья

In article present life strategies of of 6 species reptiles reliably inhabiting Kamsky Predurale in accordance with the Ramenskiy-Grime classification and K-r classification by R. MacArthur and E. Wilson. According to the classification Ramenskiy-Grime slow worm can be attributed to patient strategy; viviparous lizard to eksplerents, with some patient features, increased in northern populations, sand lizard – the representative violent strategy. The definition of life strategies in snakes is difficult, but we can say that all of them exhibit violent’s features that, in our view, due to their higher trophic level. If attempt at general ranking of all reptiles by K-r scale of MacArthur-Wilson (r → K), the following picture is looming: viviparous lizardsand lizard → slow worm → grass snake → smooth snake, European adder. A greater proximity of lizards to a k-strategy is explained by their lower trophic level compared with snakes.
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