The roots of the Wang academic family tree

As defined in the Chemical Genealogy database (Chemical Genealogy Database), ‘‘A professional genealogy (as opposed to a family genealogy) traces a person’s intellectual line of descent via one’s Ph.D. advisor or mentor for one’s highest non-honorary degree.’’ The professional genealogy for Professor Daniel I. C. Wang of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is shown in Table I. The genealogy is the root system of the Wang academic family tree in Figure 3 of the paper by Afeyan and Cooney in this same volume. These roots are unusually strong and deep and are made up of many of the world’s most influential chemical engineers, chemists, and biologists, going back to the origins of modern science. This paper will briefly describe some of the accomplishments of Daniel I.C. Wang’s academic ancestors, with a focus on work related to biotechnology and biology. Most of the
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