Special conditions for extremely large solar proton events during solar cycle 23

We have investigated a relationship among the solar proton events (SPEs), coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares during the solar cycle 23 (1997-2006). Using 63 SPE dataset, we found that SPE rise time, duration time, and decrease times depend on CME speed (cc=0.34, 0.48 and 0.48) and SPE peak intensity depends on the CME earthward direction parameter as well as CME speed and x-ray flare intensity (cc=0.40, 0.31 and 0.37). While inspecting the relation between SPE peak intensity and the CME earthward direction parameter, we found that there are two groups: first group consists of large 6 SPEs (> 10,000 pfu at >10 MeV proton channel of GOES satellite) and shows a very good correlation (cc=0.65) between SPE peak intensity and CME earthward direction parameter. The second group has a relatively weak SPE peak intensity and shows poor correlation between SPE peak intensity and the CME earthward direction parameter (cc=0.01). By investigating characteristics of 6 SPEs in the first group, we found that there are special common conditions of the extremely large proton events (group 1); (1) all the SPEs are associated with very fast halo CME (>1400km/s), (2) they are almost located at disk region , (3) they also accompany large flare (>M7), (4) all they are preceded by another wide CMEs, and (5) they all show helmet streamer nearby the main CME. In this presentation, we will give details of the energy spectra of the 6 SPE events from the ERNE/HED aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and onset time comparison among the SPE, flare, type II burst, and CME.
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