Federal network of environmental monitoring in Argentina

The environmental pollution is one of the problems that worries the international community at present. Science is the key to identify the impacts nature and scale and to establish the needs for regulatory decisions corresponding to the local, regional and national levels. The present work describes a particular project designed by researchers from the Universidad Tecno16gica National, in order to study the environmental situation in different regions of Argentina, The federal character of this University with Regional Faculties and Academic Unities located all over the country, allows an excellent distribution adequate to this kind of study. The work plan is to study the present conditions of the contaminants main receptors: air, water and soil, in densely populated areas such as provincial capital cities, and others which are seat of industrial activities, The main objective of this project is to analyze the environmental quality in the national territory not only by studying the present situation but also by establishing indexes that classify the quality of the mentioned receptors, Other important objectives of this plan are the environmental education and the human resources formation by means of several activities such as: seminaries, courses, and informative bulletins, students incorporation to the work groups in each point of study, and local staff training. The present work shows the main designed stages and the ways to carry them out,
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