Economic Values Associated with Construction of Oyster Reefs by the Corps of Engineers

PURPOSE: This technical note is intended to accompany the Community Model Template constructed under the Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program. That template includes a community model for the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) which can be used to quantify the ecological benefits of an oyster reef in an ecosystem restoration project. This technical note describes additional benefits to consider in planning a restoration project. INTRODUCTION: Oyster reef restoration has become an important component of coastal District projects at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Districts. Reefs provide both ecological and economic benefits. Ecological benefits result from the water quality, erosion prevention and stabilization, and habitat services provided by the reefs (Wilber 2002). Economic benefits result from the economic services provided by oyster reefs, and are related to the harvest of oysters, fish, and crab from the reefs or adjacent areas, increased recreational use from cleaner water, and cost savings for bank stabilization and dredged material disposal. Local sponsors and stakeholders often express an interest in the economic value of oyster harvest, but other economic values should also be considered, along with the ecological benefits. The intent of this report is to provide information to Corps planners on the economic benefits provided by oyster reef restoration, so that the full range of benefits can be considered when planning and evaluating oyster restoration projects. Benefits may occur at the project site or accrue within the water- shed or beyond. It is the responsibility of the Corps to make an effort to account for all of the ecological and economic benefits resulting from restoration efforts, monetary and non-monetary (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2000). The economic services reviewed in this paper are water quality, commercial harvest, recreation (fishing, swimming, boating), and erosion protection and bottom stabilization—provided by oyster reefs. This information provides the basis for including monetary considerations in evalu- ating Corps oyster restoration projects.
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