Career Concerns and Footholds in the Organization

As investigators go through the organizational career, they tend—as validated scientists—to choose as bases of operations in the organizational structure those different footholds that are best suited to resolving typical career concerns. This chapter demonstrates property of vertical mobility within organizations. The property is this: At each stage of a career a person chooses a different primary base of operations among concentric organizational groups for the resolution of his typical career concern. Integration into these footholds in the organization is facilitated if one has given evidence of ability to achieve the goal shared by the group. Evidence of ability—in this study professional recognition—helps solve career concerns (1) directly, through its consolidation and advancement effects; and (2) indirectly, through effecting integration among particular members of the scientist's role-set and with particular concentric organizational groups. Professionals are perceived merely as either loyal or not loyal to the organization.
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