PENGARUH KECEPATAN PADA BEBERAPA MODEL IMPLEMENTASI PENGOLAHAN LAHAN SAWAH (Influence on The Speed of Processing Multiple Implementation Models Wetland)

.Analysis of these wetland cultivating was aimed to obtain information on wetland cultivating until ready for planting using a two-wheeltractor, calculating the effective field capacity, field efficiency, and fuel consumption for cultivation until the condition of the land ready for planting with working speed variations. This study uses a factorial randomized block design with two factors.The first factor was the treatment variation until ready for planting and the second factor was the variation of speed (1m/s, 1,2m/s, and 1,4m/s). Parameters measured were land cultivating capacity, fuel consumption, efficiency of tractors, and economic analysis. Results of this study showed that the difference in treatment until ready for planting had a significant effect on effective field capacity, efficiency, and fuel consumption. The highest Effective Field Capacity (EFC) of any cultivating until the rice fields ready for planting was at a speed of 1.4m/s. The highest processing efficiency was obtained at a speed of 1.4m/s. The greatest fuel consumption obtained in the second cultivation pattern.
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