Lung function and bronchial reactivity in aluminum potroom workers

Work Environ Health1989;15:296- 301.Lung function and bronchial reactivity were measured in 38 aluminum potroom workerswith no airway symptoms and in 20 healthy referents (office workers). All of the participants were non­smokers. The magnitude of exposure to airborne dust (alumina) and fluor ides was determined. The alu­minum potroom workers had obstructive lung function impairment with a significant decrease in expira­tory flow and an increase in residual volume. Diffusing capacity was found to be lower than in the refer­ents. No bronchial hyperreactivity was found in the aluminum potroom workers. The exposure to inhaledalumina and particulate and gaseous fluorides in the plant was low, 15-20070of the Swedish exposurelimits. The finding of only modest lung function alterations with no bronchial hyperreactivity in the alu­minum potroom workers is not consistent with the results of other authors. This discrepancy can proba­bly be explained by the fact that the exposure to inhaled contaminants in the investigated aluminum plantwas low.Key terms: aluminum, exposure measurements, fluorides, occupational.
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